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Information Security

Security Consulting

We provide customized security consulting for enterprises for sustainable growth and protection of information assets. Accordingly, we support the establishment of a master plan from the stage of information security management plan to operation which an organization should carry out.

Consulting for information protection management system

We aim to establish the most suitable information protection system for companies. We analyze threats through diagnosis with comprehensive security level and establish customized countermeasures for enterprisesto provide plans to build an optimized information protection system.

Certification review consulting

Post-management service for certification review

Diagnose vulnerabilities ofinfrastructure

Mock hacking (WEB/APP)


Consulting forpersonal information protection

We provide optimized and customized consulting depending on the life cycle of personal information based on accumulated experiences in various industries. We identify overall vulnerabilities of the same industry and target companies and give support to establish master plans of personal information for improvement.

Consulting for personal information protection

Check security of consignees who are in charge of personal data processing


Consulting for the introduction of security solutions

We analyze the objective status of information assets of customerswhich reflects standards for our own information security level evaluation. We propose the most suitable security solutions for the company basing on the results of analysis which were accumulated for many years and knowhow of building security solutions.

Introduction of security solutions and consulting

보안 컨설팅
Consulting for information protection management system Consulting for personal information protection Consulting for introduction of security solutions
Major Achievements

Digital Forensics

We provide services which allow you to manage both internal important informationand personal information of the company as well as to prevent such information from being leaked with application of digital forensic auditing techniques. Based on our experience in various industries, we apply auditing techniques which are appropriate to the situation of a company.

Information Security Audit

We conduct an information security audit to protect the internal important information assets of the company and to prevent information leakage by employees and retirees. We provide solutions in connection with consulting on information protection management system, such as complementing vulnerabilitiesby results from the audit and establishing management processes.

Audit and consulting on violation(bypass) of internal information security policies

Audit of leakage of personal data and internal information by employees and retirees

Audit and consulting for consignees who are in charge of personal data processing


Analysis of digital evidence

We analyze digital data by complying with procedures and principles of forenic analysis, and support them to have legal admissibility of evidence.

Analysis of digital evidence

Management of digital evidence


Digital Forensic Solutions

We provide digital forensic solutions which are required by companies including data recovery and wiping basing on the digital forensic experiences in various industries and environments.

Recover deleted data

Wipe disks

디지털 포렌식
Information security audit and consulting Analyze digital evidences Digital forensic solutions
Major Achievements

Information Security Education

We provide information security education which reflects security level and work environment of the company. We also support to prevent security incidents by promoting understanding of employees on information security and strengthening the security level of the company.

Offline education

We provide educational solutions which can improve security level of employees through customized contents reflecting various security issues and policies of the company, rather than stereotyped materials.

Orientation for new employees

Training on security policies

Training for security breachers

Education onpersonal information protection


Online Education

We build and support the online education system (LMS) in which one-stop operation from admission to completion of trainees is available. We also provide education with high quality by applying knowhow accumulated through offline education to the online education system.

Online Education System (LMS) service

Online video education

Operate and manage online education


Create educational contents

We produce and provide educational contents on various topics ranging from the basics of information security to internal security policies of the company. We produce such contents in formats of SCORM 2004 and SCORM 1.2 to support the services linked to the Online Education System (LMS).

Information security

Personal information protection

Internal security policies of the company

정보보안 교육
Offline education Online education Create educational contents
Major Achievements