
HOME Business Safety Consulting

Safety Consulting


We provide specialized fire safety comprehensive inspection (building/electricity/firefighting/machinery) and education/training services to prevent possible fire accidents in buildings and minimize human and material damage in case of fire.

Construction disaster prevention

- Fire safety evaluation and safety of evacuation routes

- Combustion expansion prevention facility, fire protection division function check, etc.

Facility disaster prevention

- Firefighting equipment/pump performance test and motor vibration measurement

- Precision power analysis and ultrasonic flow meter measurement, etc.

Electric Disaster Prevention

- Emergency generator performance check and infrared thermal image measurement

- Leakage current measurement and insulation/ground resistance measurement, etc


- Fire safety education and fire response training for residents

- Self-defense fire brigade and manager capacity building training, etc.

Major Achievements

Building Safety Consulting

We provide practical solutions by analyzing and evaluating buildings with long years of experiences of safety check experts in construction / electricity / firefighting / mechanical.
We provide professional and specialized safety management system to protect employees and assets of companies from major industrial accidents.

Safety Consulting (Building)

We accurately evaluate the risk factors and performance degradation of buildings and provide services to improve safety and functionality.

Facilities with Class 3

Facilities with Class 1 and Class 2

Rigorous safety check

Regular safety check

School facilities


Safety Consulting (Electricity)

We provide services to eliminate factors causing accidents and to ensure electrical safety with cutting-edge measuring instruments for compliance with the electrical equipment technical standards and the Korea Electro-technical Code (KEC) and for prevention of electrical accidents.

Electrical equipment safety check

Job notification safety check

Preventive inspection for electrical accidents

Visual inspection and measuring test of electrical facilities with low/high-voltage


Safety Consulting (Firefighting)

Regarding purpose and characteristics of buildings, we provide maintenance and repair & rehabilitation services after analyzing safety with engineered ways such as fire and evacuation simulation and evaluating legality and reliability of firefighting facilities.

Safety check forfirefighting facilities

Operating functions and measuring test

Verify reliability of firefighting facilities

(Fire and evacuation modeling)


Safety Consulting (Machinery)

We provide the most reasonable and advanced maintenance and repair & rehabilitation services after preventive inspections and diagnosis so that you can operate building facilities efficiently.

Safety diagnosis of machine facilities

Vibration and noise diagnosis

Defect check for building equipment

building safety consulting
Comprehensive safety consulting for buildings

- Old buildings

- Remodeling

- On-site inspection of facilities
(New construction/Acquisition/Defects)

Fire safety consulting

- IDC and financial facilities

- Logistics facilities

- School facilities

- Facilities for the elderly and children

Major Achievements

Water & Sewage Safety Diagnosis

In order to prevent accidents in water & sewage facilities, and to prevent deterioration of their functions and performance, we provide the best services to ensure that you can operate such facilities safely in optimized condition by evaluating them precisely and accurately, based on the opinions of experts with many years of experiences and diagnostic equipment.

Safety diagnosis for water & sewage facilities Safety diagnosis for sewage treatment facilities Safety diagnosis for sluice gates/pumping stations Safety diagnosis for old facilities
Major Achievements

Facilities Repair & Rehabilitation

We provide reliable post-management service which is precisely constructed with experience and knowhow of experts onrepair & rehabilitation of facilities and which prioritize customer satisfaction through reduction of time and cost for construction.

시설물 보수ㆍ보강
Maintenance and repair & rehabilitation of Buildings

- Apartment CS repair works

- Seismic and structural rehabilitation t works

- Remodeling works

- Works to repair cracks and leaks in concrete

Major Achievements

Disaster Education and Training

Experts and lecturers with practical and theoretical skills provide education and training services to secure corporate safety and establish safety culture.

Disaster Safety Education

We provide professional training services to inspire awareness for disaster, to enhance safety consciousness and to cultivate disaster response abilities.

Fire safety educationfor fire prevention

Safety education for natural disasters

Living safety education

Hands-on training


First-aid Training

We provide professional education services for both theory and practice to help you protect your life from emergency situations and take appropriate emergency measures.

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation(CPR)

How to use AED

First-aid for respiratory track obstruction

First-aid for burns and fractures


Disaster Response Training

We provide an integrated crisis response system building service so that you can establish disaster response training plans and conduct systematic training to respond to disastrous situations in your company accordingly.

Analyze risk factors

Set disaster situation

Education for self-defense fire brigade

Conduct and monitor trainings

Deduce improvement plans

재난 교육/훈련
Disaster safety education First-aid training Disaster response training
Major Achievements